
What I Did

During my time as a Ph.D. student, I have had the pleasure of assisting my PI with his classes and teaching a few of his lectures. These have included Digital Control (relating to discrete and continuous systems as well as stability tests) and Introduction to Robotics (relating to computing DH tables for robotic arms and solving for and using Jacobians). At Messiah University, I returned as an alumnus to give a lecture in Biomedical Instrumentation, relating to my graduate research on collecting bio-data from humans through electrodes, specifically EMGs and EEGs.

What I Learned

Preparing to give these lectures required much time and effort. I needed to ensure that I planned a lecture of an appropriate length and difficulty level for the students I would be teaching, and present the content in a way that promoted true learning, engagement, and interaction. That was a large responsibility, but it was quite rewarding. I really enjoyed interacting with students in a classroom setting and testing my own knowledge by answering their questions.